Wethouder Beversstraat 185, 7543 BK Enschede
+31 (0) 541 700200

Ma - Do 9:00 - 16:30


Start a business in Poland


Do you want to start a business in Poland? Or maybe you want to move to Poland with your company?

Starting your own company in Poland requires good preparation. You must meet the requirements in that country, for example in the field of company forms, taxes, but also apply for the correct permits.

Most common enterprise forms in Poland are:


  • Spó?ka z ograniczon? odpowiedzialno?ci?, kortweg sp.z.o.o. (besloten vennootschap)
  • Spó?ka akcyjna, kortweg S.A. (naamloze vennootschap)
  • Spó?ka komandytowa (commanditaire vennootschap)
  • Odzia? w Polsce (filiaal in Polen)


Through collaboration of Advinez Nederland B.V. with Polish Tax Advisers and Lawyers, we can guide companies through the entire process of starting a business, for example:

  • Draw up a notarial deed
  • Registration with the National Court (Krajowy Rejestr S? Dowy)
  • Registration with the Statistical Office (Rejestr Gospodarki Narodowej)
  • Requesting the VAT number (Numer Identifikacji Podatkowej)
  • Arranging company housing

If you are planning to start a company in Poland, please contact us.



Nadja Elferink RB


0541-700200 n.elferink@advinez.eu